Sisan Baniya talked about banana momos in his recent vlog, and we actually thought he was just kidding because BANANA MOMOS!?? Pfft! Impossible. Then M&S VMAG released the latest episode of Coca-Cola Hunger Hunt in which Oshin Sitaula takes us to a place called Suvam Banana Cafe in Putalisadak where they serve… guess what… BANANA FREAKING MOMOS, for real, you guys.
Don’t believe us?? See this.

And that’s not it. They serve a whole lot of stuff made out of bananas like banana chips, banana thukpa, banana chowmein and more. And Oshin actually seems to have enjoyed the momos and chips. Hmm.
You know who would be the happiest to be at this restaurant? This fellow.
Watch the episode of Hunger Hunt here.