Saturday, March 15

New Song by The Shadows ‘Nepal’ Demands Death Penalty For Rapists

The Shadows ‘Nepal’ want the rapists to be hanged till death and that’s what their new song is about.

After three years, the band has come up with a new music video and as expected from them, they have delivered a powerful song with a strong message. ‘Balaatkaari Lai Faansi Dey’, like the title suggests, is about the increasing number of cases of rape in Nepal.

“Last year, 1480 cases of rape were registered in Nepal. On average 4 cases every day, 120 cases a month. However, rape is still under-reported. One in every five victims is a child below. 80% of offenders are known to their victims”, the six-minute music video starts with the alarming stats.

The track is mixed and mastered by Rohit Shakya. The music video directed and edited by Anup Sapkota is shot by Labesh Shrestha and Javed Khan.

The first couple of minutes are hard to watch, and that’s exactly what the video intends to do – make one realize how gruesome this crime is. Here.


Neeraj Pun (NEO)

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